Perception Reframing
EVOX: Voice Mapping
EVOX is a therapeutic tool that helps change your perception of the world, yourself, and others. This can have impactful, positive changes to your personal and emotional wellness.
How EVOX Works
EVOX: Electronic Voice — “VOX” is the Latin word for voice.
Whenever you speak about a specific topic, the frequencies in your voice reveal your subconscious perception about that topic. Topics often include relationships, health, performance, fear, overwhelm, disconnection or stress. EVOX creates a “voice map” of those frequencies. You can then work with a therapist and the EVOX system to reframe and shift the perceptions that are not “ideal.”
Since perceptions play a huge role in thoughts about yourself and view of others, reframing them can have a life changing, positive impact on your relationships, emotional health, and overall happiness. It can help you overcome limiting beliefs that may be holding you back and help you move forward.
I have used the EVOX system now since 2010 successfully with hundreds of clients to shift their perceptions in difficult life situations, helping them relieve stress and move forward much more easily.
A note from Janell Stears, CPC, our EVOX Specialist:
I believe there is a certain non-subjective element to the EVOX tool that can provide clients reflective insights to assist in pinpointing what is keeping them emotionally stuck. Another beautiful thing is that this tool doesn’t just bring to the forefront the chronic stressors; the bio-feedback output of the EVOX after charting the voice, breaks down those emotional blocks that have been keeping the body’s energy from flowing–The EVOX provides assistance in clearing the emotional past that is keeping a client from moving forward.
The miracle of Divine forgiveness for oneself and others is the driving force for all healing.
The EVOX is one of many tools that have been invented to assist in the physical nature of positive change. When our emotions are grounded in the present, we are better able to align current truths about ourselves and our situation, allowing us to make healthy and adaptive choices for positive and progressive growth–When our emotional eyes are clear of the past, we have greater power to ‘discern the difference,’ as described in Niebuhr’s Serenity Prayer: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
Topics you may be interested in working on:
(Evox Voice) Clearing unfounded or outdated feelings of guilt from self or shame from others, replacing with love, forgiveness, and inner peace. Basic Evox for youth or unique individuals finding their voice, building confidence, and helping them learn to express their needs and desires with a parent or loved one.
(Trauma Release) Helping you work through the stress of a current or broken relationship, without the stress of identifying a point of origin for that stress. We start where you are, forgive the past, and embrace the future with unhindered hope and anticipation.
(Couples’ Evox) Replacing co-dependence with healthy inter-dependence in your family relationships (with a spouse or other family member). This works best when both individuals are participating. However, while we cannot change others, relationships often change in consequence to us choosing positive change for ourselves because we are half of that relationship.
(Kittens) Dissolving fears that have been keeping you from your picture of living your dreams. The stresses of the world sometimes creep into our thoughts–Train your brain to conquer them and take back command!
Informational Videos
With permission from the Zyto Corporation for the following videos, I offer information to help you understand, be comfortable with, and have confidence in some of the tools I use to assist you in achieving your goals and overall emotional wellness.
A Brief Introduction
A brief introduction to EVOX, what it is and how it can help you. EVOX is a medical device that uses your voice to measure brain health, emotions, negative thoughts and other things to help therapists and doctors diagnose and cognitive disorders. EVOX is the Zyto brand name of the “voice mapping” system also often known as “Perception Reframing”.
Perceptions Create Patterns: An Example
EVOX, or voice mapping, can be used to overcome life-long perceptions of yourself comparisons. Our perceptions can create patterns in our beliefs about ourself, and EVOX can help change these negatives to positives.
Perceptions Create Patterns
How do you change limiting beliefs and patterns? EVOX can help!
“When you speak, your voice carries the energy of what you perceive about the topic you are speaking about. Your perceptions enable you to organize and interpret sensory information so you can understand your environment.”
– Barbara Saint John.
Growing Up Not Being Heard
With EVOX, you will become aware of your perceptions and beliefs, and it will help shift and transform your life.
EVOX can help unlock your subconscious mind, shifting perceptions and collapsing limiting beliefs.
EVOX and How to Detox Your Emotions
EVOX can help detox your negative emotions.
This video briefly talks about the “7 Toxicities” from Dr. Buttar and how EVOX can help detoxify the body.
Voice Mapping
Voice Mapping, what that means and how it works.
Voice mapping is a form of emotional healing. It is effective for stress and trauma, and athletic and public performance