(208) 887-6283
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1426 N. Carol St.
Meridian, ID 83646
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Meridian, ID 83646
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Psalms 62:8 KJV
Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.
Trauma is an issue that a lot of people will face in their life. Whether through death, abuse, sickness, or other issues, trauma can affect people for years or even decades after the event(s).
PTSD is a form of mental illness after a traumatic event. Generally PTSD is associated with someone who was in the military, but it can also affect others who have had other traumatic experiences.
We can help people through PTSD and move past their trauma. Talking about the event is sometimes not enough. In fact, it may even worsen the PTSD. We can teach you strategies on how you can be healed and learn to live, once again, a healthy life.
Advanced Counseling | 1426 North Carol Street, Meridian, ID 83646 | 208-887-6283