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Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.

Psalm 127:3 KJV

There are many different aspects to being a good parent. A parent has a huge impact on a child’s development- emotionally, socially, physically, and mentally. That is a huge responsibility. To some, parenting comes naturally for them. To others, it is a struggle.

Children need a good relationship with their parents for a healthy development. They look toward their parents to learn about themselves and their place in the world. They also follow their parents examples on how to act and behave.

There are many tools and techniques that you can learn to become a better parent. We help parents learn these skills. Though even good parents have difficulties, the effort that you put into creating a healthy learning environment it vital in your child’s development.

Members of our team who specialize in helping people with Parenting

Rodney Limb

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